
Rolibo is a business project that was born after more than 20 years of experience in the commercial world, more than half of it in the PVC sector, always with the objective of offering the best to our customers, and to be at their side in any need or difficulty that may happen.
This desire to provide the best to our customers, maximum quality, has been the reason for choosing Baerlocher as a manufacturer and distributing its products for PVC as the main part of the business project, demanding this standard of quality to any other raw material distributed or participating in any of the automotive compounds of different plastics that we sell.
Our passion, effort and belief in what we do, together with the know-how of the undisputed leader in PVC stabilisation such as Baerlocher with its nearly 200 years of history and whom we proudly represent, will aim to help our customers to further raise the quality of their products and try to accompany them in any technical challenge they may face.
Our company is based on excellence in the quality of the products we supply, in our service and in the way we deal with our customers. We want to establish a relationship of total trust with both our customers and providers.

Corporate social responsibility / sustainability
- Rolibo recognises the importance of enhancing positive impacts on society. Therefore, we have been committed since our inception to actively and voluntarily contribute to social, economic and environmental improvement.
˗ Respect. We are committed to respecting human rights and we offer people decent and safe working conditions that favour the human and professional development of our employees, respecting diversity and promoting the reduction of social inequalities.
˗ Trust. We work with companies that promote and respect the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.
- We believe in socially responsible and conscious capitalism,
- based on corporate social responsibility, which increases motivation, productivity, team ownership, retains talent, improves the working environment and builds corporate reputation, we believe in an economic democracy that makes our company supportive and sustainable.